Our Community

We are called by Christ’s words and actions, by scripture, by our church family, by the needs of the world for justice and peace, and by the inspirational messages and music in our worship, to reach out.

jamiesonJamieson Community Center

Jamieson Community Center is a local food pantry and social service agency founded by members of our congregation.

wnlWednesday Night Live

An after-school intergenerational youth program and meal in our church which has been going on for 28 years.

tbcdcTeddy Bear Child Development Center & Preschool

Located in our church facilities and supported by our congregation for the past 28 years.

mcMonmouth College

Located within a block of the college, we have had a longstanding relationship with this Presbyterian-founded institution which recently opened a Presbyterian House.

disasterDisaster Assistance

Mission trips and financial giving when disaster assistance is requested, both through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance or when community needs arise. We have assembled baby, hygiene, and clean-up kits. Located 16 miles from the Mississippi River, members of our church have helped with sandbagging during river floods.

armoury First Street Armoury Backpack Program

We help by providing weekend meals for poverty-level children in our local schools.

turkeyCommunity Thanksgiving Meal

An on-going community tradition for over 30 years, it was sponsored by our congregation for the first time in 2013, and we plan to continue it in the future.

indiaKandithankulam, India

A mission program started by our congregation over 20 years ago and ongoing at this time. It includes a medical clinic, computer classes, and building sanitary facilities.

Read latest report.

rainbowRainbow Riders

A therapeutic horseback-riding facility operated by one of our congregants at which we participate in mission activities, both with children through Wednesday Night Live and with adults through Mission in Monmouth.

washdayWashday Ministry

Through a Mission Initiative Grant from the Presbytery of Great Rivers, we were able to purchase 2 washers & dryers and set up a small laundry which is available free of charge to members of the community referred to us by various social service agencies. Volunteers from the congregation meet with washday clients and visit while they wash, dry, and fold laundry.

IMG_1974 (2) - Copy - CopyStarting Point

Members of the Faith United Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry assist in remodeling a room at Starting Point.


Glenn BrooksMonmouth Vista Music Program

Glenn Brooks will be heading up the Monmouth Vista Music Program which will offer students in grades 4-6 the chance to learn to play a musical instrument.The program begins again this fall starting Sept. 19. It will be held immediately after school on Tuesday s and Thursdays at St. James AME Church.


Monmouth Chamber of Commerce
